>Flax seed is not paleo.
the easiest way to evaluate writers or posters on paleo is their view on
flax. if they approve of it, you know they are either ignorant or deceptive.

the ideal amount of DHA/EPA seems to be several grams, maybe more than 10.
to get this converison you would need about 100 grams of flax oil. in doing
do you would consume about 20 grams of ALA.  this is a recipe for cancer.


I am also getting rather tired of flax seed and flax oil discussion. I'm
not sure what flax seeds look like, but I'm under the impression they are
small and would go through the digestive system undigested. And grinding
them goes against the naked with a sharp stick philosophy.

I get my Omega-3's from eating lots and lots of fish. Very paleo. I do have
the advantage of living in Brooklyn which is near the ocean, so I can buy
from a local fisherman, plus the Fulton Fish Market supplies the area with
fish. And I eat plenty of walnuts, though I've run through my last 25# box
of organic walnuts and another won't be in until next Wednesday.
