Mel, I agree with Christy: 21 is too young for such symptoms
without something being wrong somewhere.  And your docs on
your side of the pond are no more scary than the ones on my
side. :)  I ran your short history past my husband who is a
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and he says why not
start with a simple blood test screening of your thyroid.
You have a perfectly good reason with your and your family's
past med history.  This is a simple test and will at least
tell you if your thyroid is up, down or ok.  Also take a
good hard look at what you are actually eating and make sure
you are getting enough of what you need - I'm thinking of
all those tales I've heard of women distance runners who
stop menstruating.  Everything I've heard about paleo says
it regulates the irregular and helps get rid of "PMS" side
effects so I tend to doubt it is the cause.  If both these
possible solutions prove not to be the basis, then you will
need to take the plunge and start working with a doc....hope
it turns out to be something simple, as it very well could
be.  Do let us know how things go!

Mel Pegg wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 10:35:09 +0200, C. ten Broeke <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> >snip
> >At the age of 21 you should not be experiencing these symptoms. Your
> >weight and length seem to be balanced enough to be fertile and have
> >ovulations.
> >My advice is to seek medical help for this from an openminded physician
> >who does not start blaming your diet for this immediately.
> >Christy
> snip
> Thanks for the advice, I think you've confirmed what I already knew but
> didn't want to admit, plus I'm scared of going to the dr's, it wouldn't be
> so bad if they weren't so narrow-minded about this way of eating.  If my
> dr is which she probably will be, I will just walk out, report her and ask
> for a second opinion!, let's see how she likes that! I might ask for a
> blood test to check hormone levels etc..., do you think that is a good
> idea?  I'm sure you've heard about our delighful NHS (NOT),it doesn't
> leave you with alot of faith!

   Elisi Tsayonah, AniWodi, ghigau,
   St Francis River Band of Cherokee
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