Reading Weston Price made me think to get out my great-aunt's cookbook
published in 1927.  (*Mrs. Ida M. Chitwood's Choice Recipes, Food Charts,
and Reducing Method*)  The backward glimpse was kind of interesting, so I
thought I'd pass some of it along.

Aunt Ide wrote:
"Protein foods supply material for the growth and repair of muscular tissue.
Of the total calories required daily, twelve-sixteenths per cent [sic,
should read twelve to sixteen percent] should come from protein.  For
example: If the requirement is 2,500 calories, 260-400 calories should come
from protein food.  One gram protein furnishes 4 calories, therefore 70-100
grams protein are sufficient for one person per day." (p.103)

"Overweight means overwork.  Each extra pound puts a strain on the heart and
kidneys.  Rarely is a person of normal weight a victim of diabetes--the
too-fat man or woman is the one attacked" (p.105).

"Every adult should drink 6 to 8 pints of water daily." (p.103)

"Dark-fleshed fish, as salmon, cafish, sturgeon and tuna, have the fat
distributed through the body, while more difficult of digestion, furnish
more food value than the white-fleshed fish--cod, haddock, etc" (p.63).

"Vegetables included in the pulse group are very nourishing if they can be
digested....Peas and beans also contain sulphur and tend to produce
flatulence when indulged in by those of weak digestion" (p.54).

This last one kind of cracked me up because it seems like a classic case of
blame the victim.  And sulphur?  Rotten-egg smell?..........LOL.  But I have
known people who could eat beans w/o blowing up or blowing others away.
