Ray Audette wrote:
> > Neanderhals became Cromagnon and wolves became dogs at this time.
Craig wrote:
> If you buy the DNA testing they've done...there's no link between the two.

Although the earliest anotomical Cromagnon is dated at about 50,000 years
ago, DNA sugests that they separated from Neanderthals about 500,000 years

Although the earliest anotomical dogs are dated about 12,000 years ago, DNA
sugests that they separated from wolves about 120,000 years ago. ( How long
is a dog generation?)

Obviously, Neoteny ( what this process is called) does not happen all at
once and happens fastest when there is an evolutionary advantage to it.  A
mixed pack of dogs and men can out-hunt much larger packs of wolves or
Neanderthals.  One Cromagnon with six dogs could easyly out-hunt twenty
Neanderthals without dogs and at much less danger of physical injury when
hunting large animals.

Status is a very important indicator of reproductive sucess in both canines
and hominids.  Sucessful hunters would have more opportunity to attract
mates and produce and feed more off-spring.  Highly sucessful salesmen are
still refered to as "meat eaters" and still get the girls (and high
child-support payments).  Unsucessful hunters would be stuck with
representations of females with exagarated secondary sexual characteristics,
designed to be held with one hand, and easily transportable ( see Venus
statues ). Unsucessful salesmen make-do with Playboy centerfold spreads -
exagarated secondary sexual characteristics, thanks to the modern miracle of
silicon, exceeding anything found in nature.

Ray Audette
Author "NeanderThin"