> Have
> lost 40 pounds that had refused to come off any other way.
> Am off all regular medications.  Blood sugar more stable and
> insulin resistance reducing.  Have ceased shrinking (went
> from 5'11" to 5'7.25").  Ran some general blood work
> yesterday, got call from doc this am.  He is very very
> pleased (snicker): my total cholesterol is now 109, HDL/LDL
> ratio of 3:1, tri's low.

This is wonderful, Elisi!  Thanks for sharing this "paleo triumph" with
all of us.

I, too, have had near-miraculous results (and in a remarkably short time
--- a few days was all it took for my major symptoms to disappear).
After about 4 months of paleo-type eating, the only symptom that
persists is my migraines.  These excruciating headaches are mainly
linked to my monthly estrogen cycle, but can also be triggered by
stress, too many hours of strong, direct sun, or just plain exhaustion.
I'm wondering if anyone else is following a high-protein paleo eating
plan and is still troubled by migraines.
