>From: Jeff Keller <[log in to unmask]>

>I recently did a 4 day trip,50lb pack, 18 miles and cold 30F at night. When
>I got back all my food was gone and I had about
>  as much as you are planning maybe more. It seems we always underestimate
>what we will need. Maybe try adding up the calorie
>content of what you are taking, 3000 X 8.5 days = 25,500 calories.

Aiee. I'm just really really trying to hold down the weight. I'd really
rather not be carrying a 50lb pack if I can help it. And I will need to
bring a variety of clothes, just because it's desert country, so very hot
during the day, cold at night, and of course, rain gear. Although these are
all sport clothes, so ultra-lightweight. But then there's the gear...

>It's better to carry some food back than be on empty the last 2 days!

No doubt about that.

So what if I up it to double the rations I mentioned? I can't really have
anything specially prepared, because I'm in Canada and this trip is in the
US, so I'm not allowed to bring food into the country. I'm having a friend
in the US shop for me and ship it to the hotel we're starting from. Easier
if stuff is off the shelf. What about salmon oil capsules for fat?

I really appreciate the advice. Not trying to be difficult, just trying not
to need a whole sherpa team to carry my provisions.


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