>but the
>basic cause - which I sincerely believe is our brains
>being wired a little differently - will always be

As long as you realise that this is a belief (religion) then that is fine,
we are all entitled to our religions.

For what it's worth (tuppence?), I do not believe that.  I have subjective
data (my experience) that ADD and chronic fatigue can be "cured" using diet
and pills.

The Royal Price Alfred Hospital in Sydney has clinical studies that show
ADHD in children can be cured by diet restriction alone (restriction of
additives, grains, dairy, salicylates, amines, MSG, etc.).

For those of you who still doubt that mental problems can be cured by
diet/chemicals, I recommend reading The Psychonutrient Connection:


The story about the guy who thought he was Jesus when he was exposed to
carbon monoxide is hilarious.  I'm guessing he lives in the middle of
Montana these days.  The one about the girl who orgasms when she drinks
coffee is also quite interesting.  I'm guessing that there are a number of
men who'd like to be married to her.
