Hi, Jennifer

Welcome to the list. As Mike said, this is a list for mostly adults with CP but there are a few of us parents here. My Anthony is 5 years old. He has been diagnosed with moderate spastic quadriplegia - a form of CP that affects all 4 of his limbs. He is a surviving triplet and had a brain bleed shortly after his pre-mature birth at 30 weeks. One of his brothers, Bobby, is fine. We lost our third son at 21 months - Joey had severe hypoxia in utero and as a result had severe CP and a host of other medical complications. :-(

Anthony is a typical 5 year-old except for his physical limitations. He uses a wheelchair and a Pony walker for mobility. He attends a specialized school programme which combines his speech, occupational and physio therapies with the regular academic curriculum. He is entering senior kindergarten this fall. We have done hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO), Botox and Conductive education in terms of additional therapies. 

I'd be happy to answer your questions if I can. There is a list specifically for parents of kids with CP. I belong but only post on occasion. There are LOTS of parents there who can give you lots of info and support! 

To subscribe, go to:


and follow the instructions. Very similar to subscribing here.

Hope this helps.

Mommy to 5 y.o. triplets:
Bobby, Anthony (CP), and our angel, Joey (CP+++) {14/4/97 - 31/12/98}
Ottawa, Canada