Oh Man, Kyle...don't get my dander up.  I AM a public school TEACHER...and I
work a contracted 183 days, but in reality I work year-round.  I often think
about logging my hours just to see and I am sure I am not exaggerating when
I say I work the equivalent of a 40+ hour work week year round just during
the school year alone.  The eight-hour (or 6 hour) or whatever work day you
think is true really turns out to be at least a 10 hour work day, no chance
to eat lunch most days, never time to go to the bathroom, don't dare do
anything personal during the work day, be everything to everyone type of
job.  And ya know what?  I LOVE IT!  :)  I just want to make non-educator
folks aware that the job is far from the cushy job some corporate folks
think it is.

I got an email awhile back about a "new survivor" show relating to this
topic.  I will send it to the list if I have it here.  It is actually one of
those forwarded messages that is worth reading repeatedly - for teachers it
is a good laugh, for others, a wake-up call!
