I didn't know the "terrorist" drill was actually going on until around 4:00
on Thursday.  That's why I said in a post on Thursday afternoon there was a
lot of "head scratching"--we were supposed to be "notified" earlier in the
day, but they changed the script on us because word had gotten back to the
disaster planners that the "mock attack" plans had leaked (we weren't
supposed to know).

We could have done better, but I've only been on the job a week or so.  My
job was to go back to the "bunker" and make sure all non-city roads leading
into the area were suitably blocked by "black and whites".

Because we didn't know the nature of the attack, everyone--even those of us
in the bunker--had to don protective gear (very hot!).  I've also never seen
so many guns in one place in all my life!  There was a lot of yelling,
confusion and flaring tempers.

Here's the story from the local paper:
