...why (Dan, or was it Ken?) you have to mortar the joints of Belgian block in street paving.   Why not have them laid in sand, if its only a parking strip?  Then you can get more ground water for the street trees, and pickup/takedown is easier for utility access.  Or is it?

PS Anybody hear the NPR seg on Mackinac/aw Island?  There are no cars there, and the horsedrawn carriage operator, hearing that the city was going to permit motorized streetsweepers (to keep up with the horse manure), felt that motor sweepers would be the opening wedge of cars.  So he dug up an old Studebaker design, c. 1895, for a horse drawn street sweeper, and had it built.

Hot and sticky tonight - is that heat lightning over Woods Hole?  I didn't think they had that out here in the East.   

Kansas City