Howdy folks, As some of you know we have a web site loaded with information
concerning the blind. The link is in our signature. We have two different
pages on the site for people to have their web site posted. One is called
products for the blind, on this page if you have a business selling products
for the blind your site can be listed here. We have a page called friends,
on this page if you have a web site, a home page and you want it listed it
can be done on this page. Now for something new!! We are going to put a
place on the site for any visually impaired person who is in the process of
starting a web business to have their site listed and hopefully it will help
promote there site some! If you are one of these folks and are starting a
web based business and would like to have your site listed on out of sight,
contact us with the URL and a description of your site and we will be glad
to put it up on the site. I don't want to be a nuisance to everyone but I do
hope this will help some of you. thank you for listening and I want to thank
the list owners for their patience!!!

Stu and Lois
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