Hi Mike and all.  This is an interesting subject.  I attended the
Michigan school for the blind for two years and the club call at that
time was, WA8LKL.  I was not yet licensed yet, but I should have been.
If I recall, a bunch of us were supposed to take our novice tests, but
our elmer was ill, or something along those lines.  The club had an old
Halicrafters HT40 transmitter and SX140 reciever.  They also had a
Laffayette HE45B on six meter A M.  I also remember us recieving an old
SSB exciter that put out ten watts on 75 meters, but I couldn't tell you
what it was.  Maybe Steve, K8SP or any of the other MSB alumni will fill
in the gaps.  I know that the club later had a WB8 callsign, but I don't
remember what it was.

73 and 88 whare appropriate: