>From: Matt Baker <[log in to unmask]>
>Are 8 Glasses Of Water A Day Too Much?
>Researcher Says Humans Don't Need So Much Water
>"Valtin said he finds it "difficult to believe that evolution left us with
>chronic water deficit that needs to be compensated by forcing a high fluid
>Sensible statement, I think.

I tried to drink a lot of water but it was making me dizzy even when I tried
to add some salt to water (advice from some 'water gurus'). In the gym when
I start to drink I cannot stop and it makes me weaker.
Those observations are in line with Chinese medicine which states that too
much cold water weakens your body.

On a high fat diet I cannot feel thirsty whole day and I think it's normal.
I cannot imagine Paleo people eating every 2-3 hours and taking with them
for a hunt buckets of water to avoid dehydration.

Paul Sand
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