On Sat, 10 Aug 2002 16:34:06 EDT, Madeline Mason <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

><A HREF="http://www.mercola.com/2002/aug/10/mad_cow.htm">Mad Cows or Mad
>Scientists?  8/10/02</A>

I've heard about the theory to explain BSE with pesticides against the
warble flies. Mercola reports this theory.
It fails to explain why cattle have BSE without ever beeing exposted to the
pesticides. It must be something else (involved).
For example in the high altitude dairy farming areas in south Germany, where
the first cases showed up.
THere are shurely no marble flies. But all the winter fedder is imported
(not grown locally). It could be demonstrated that the fedder producers had
*traces* of animal "flour" in the fedder.

However it does suggest that pesticide residues are dangerous.
In particular dangerous to the nervous system.
Aiding prions or whatever to make sponges out of brains.

Regards, A.