I love the moon.  And yes, I think being a woman has a lot to do with it.
But that's a story in and of itself.

I have no cuh-LOO (clue) what's meant by the statement that women welcomed
their dear Aunt Flo every 28 days so their Other Halves could go a-huntin',
but this brings to mind something that some think is a legend but is true.
Ask any cop or police dispatcher; people go NUTS on a full moon!

Why?  Human evolution fits in here somewhere, I'm sure.  I learned the hard
way that mentioning religion on this list is potentially deadly, but I will
say that I once attended a lecture by a local Paganism expert (and member).
In her information flier was the statement that Paganism goes back (I swear
to God, as it were) to the Paleolithic era.  The moon was a spiritual
symbol, as were the earth, air, fire and water.

I wonder; did early humans "go nuts" during the full moon or is that a
modern problem?  Maybe things got all warm and fuzzy during a full moon back
then.  I wonder...

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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