Well,I do have a travel mug with a lid I got from my old college, but I take
the lid off to cool the tea off and sip.


On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 13:21:51 -0700 "J. McCarthy" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> --- "Barber, Kenneth L."  wrote:
> > not really, you know we all live to make each
> other
> > spill stuff or even
> > better spew it out the nose.
> Am I the only one who uses closed containers
> for
> drinking purposes???   I got tired of wearing
> my
> drinks years ago! :)
> BTW, those 32oz plastic "twist-n-go" cups you
> can get
> at fast food places and convenience stores are
> great!
> =====
> Jennifer
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