And as the character Megatron, the Voice of God (played by Alan Rickman) in
the movie "Dogma" says, "Look at human copulation. God has a sense of humor!"


On Fri, 30 Aug 2002 00:26:33 EDT "BG Greer, PhD" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> In a message dated 8/29/02 8:38:59 PM,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> >i think of the story of Gideon. he was there
> hiding in the treshing floor
> >(cowering) hiding from the midionites and the
> angel appeared and said "ho,
> >you might man of valor." such sarcasm. i don't
> know why most people don't
> >see it.
> >
> God has a wierd sense of humor, look at the
> ardvark! Look at the world
> religions, look at Jerry Spinger!!!
> Bobby