Message-Id: <[]>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 14:25:41 -0400

Buddy wrote:
   >Yes! It works fine! I wish it would work in a GNU/Linux browser as
   >well, but it doesn't. Yet.
   >Anywho, go to
   >and then to online filing, or some such thing. It's very easy to
   >use. Form is straightforward. Just put in your TIN and password, or
   >your FRN and password, then select your license, then select
   >renewal, fill it really does work. As of a few weeks ago
   >anyway. --

Bummer.  WOn't do a linux browser, and I can't find the paper with my
password on it, and I want to change my address to five land.  Guess I
gotta order a form fcc 605.

Been kinda thinking about a one by two call as well, but can't find
any open I like.  HOwever, I"d kindof like to switch to a 5 call
anyway so that I can lose the portable five appendage on phone.  I do
so much wtih traffic and public service nets that I could really
confuse folks otherwise if they're looking where to beam for me and
reading my zero call and info off the databases <g>.

Hey Buddy, btw got 40m working again.  Antenna party  sometime within
the next month or so will get 75 and my j pole on the roof.

73 de kb0ruu/5

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin November 1755