Message-Id: <[]>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 11:51:33 -0400

WAlt wrote:
   >You send the PDF document as an attached file.  Supposedly, there's
   >a way you can point to a PDF file that's on the net, but I've never
   >actually tried this method.

SOMebody provided me that and I tried it half a dozen times and never
got anything back.

i'll test it next time somebody sends me a pdf file.
  ARchived those two addresses and will add them to my address book
here shortly.

IT seems to me that adobe has given the one finger salute to the blind
community with a lot of the hassle with pdf files.  Oh well.

73 de kb0ruu (soon to be w5ez)

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin November 1755