I have a Trendware "10/100 Mbps PCI Fast Internet Card with Wake-
on-LAN"  The literature implies that you can use it to power-up a
networked PC.  But then they add the following sentence with the
complete explanation.

" Wake-On-LAN enabled PC is never completely powered off, it
maintains a low-level auxiliary power supply to the motherboard."

I don't fully understand the description of your requirements
(S1, S3, S5. etc.)

I hope this gives you some information.  If you would like me to
send you the complete Remote Lan Wakeup section writeup,
contact me offline.

Don Elias

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 22:35:00 -0400 "George N. Weinisch"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Greetings listers,
> I am in the process of trying to develop a strategy to remotely
> deploy hard
> drive images to several hundred machines across a college campus.
> In
> testing, I have only been able to "wake-up" these PC's from ACPI
> levels S1
> and S3, and I would like to be able to from S5 (power off).  I am
> unclear as
> to whether this is even theoretically possible.  The hardware
> consists of
> MSI MS-6330 motherboards (BIOS rev. 3.2) and SMC 9432TX network
> cards fitted
> with LanWorks boot ROM's at version 4.20.  The WOL cable is in place
> between
> card and motherboard.  Operating system is Windows XP Professional.
> If
> anyone out there has any experience with this type of scenario, or
> can offer
> any insight into the intricacies of WOL and ACPI in general, I would
> welcome
> their comments and suggestions.

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