The problem is not what works or what technologies are best, the
problem is that APPARRENTLY! the federation promised an exposure
to a wide variety of technology and turned it into an
endoctrination to their rather rigit narrow point of view.

Many partially sighted folks I know would tell them to take their
blind folds and do something unpleasant with them.

Although I am and always have been totally blind, I strongly
disbelieve in this blindfolding technique except in very
carefully controlled cases done with individuals.

there were, according to the story we read, two things wrong
here.  The federation didn't do what it promised, and they
apparrently got a government body to pay them to provide an
endoctrination session to their cult's viewpoint..

If they'd said straight up what the weekend would have been that
might have been O.K. but apparrently there was some dishonesty
involved in promises made.

so who's surprised considering how most cults operate.

A good reader is so much better than any computer it isn't even a
race, but good readers are rare as honest politicians or rarer.

I've been there and done all that too, and there are goods and
bads about technology but I'd not want to do email with a reader
would you?

tom Fowle

Net-Tamer V 1.12.0 - Registered

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