>Subject: [P-F] Dori Diet

Oh, lordy, please don't call it that.

>Do tell, Dori!

This is, indeed, the formula of one Ron Rosedale.  My protein limit is based
on my lean body mass; one size (mine) does not fit all (i.e. you or Todd or
Rachel or...).  For what it's worth I'm 5'8" with what I would consider an
average to slightly above average frame.

So here we go:

My max protein per meal or snack is 15g or 2 ounces.  Since less seems
almost rediculous, I shoot for four, 2 oz. meals/day, which works.

Veggies?  The ones you can eat 'til the cows come home before the carb count
amounts to anything, i.e. asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, greens, summer
squashes.  I also eat onions which have a little more but I love 'em, so...

As for oils, only those low in saturated fat, i.e. olive, avacado and nut

A typical meal:  2 oz baked salmon and a heaping pile of steamed broccoli
drizzled with 2T olive oil.  Or 2 oz. baked chicken with a sliced, red bell
pepper with avacado oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.  Red peppers with
a little oil is my idea of candy!

This does work and I have held to it; went down a size in five or six weeks.
  I haven't put any back on but I did stop losing.  Two bites over this much
and I can't lose.

Anyone who's read Atkins probably remembers his "fat fast" - you eat 1,000
kcal of fat/day.  When I hold to the formula above, I'm getting that much or
a bit more with half of my calories (or thereabouts) coming from fat.  Ron
says that for all intents and purposes this is a "sustained fast" -
juuuuuuust enough and no more.  Let's face it, you lose weight by consuming
fewer calories than those used.  It's simple math.  A good amount of fat and
no more protein than you need keeps hunger satiated without the risk of
excess protein being converted to glucose.  Bing badda bing!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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