I'm beginning to get feedback from those I've sent the 20/20,dateline,etc
highlights to.  One has a degree in nutrition so he's the biggist naysayer
of the bunch.  "If everyone on SAD just eliminated the refined carbohydrates
things would take care of themselves."  I rebutted a page back to his little
oneliner. I don't think he's paying attention so I'm wondering where he got
his degree, plus the fact that he has gout, so that could be a factor.  Too,
his degree could be the biggest brick wall in furthering his education.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wally Day" <[log in to unmask]>

It's alomost kinda scary - all this sudden low-carb

You also have to wonder what kind of response we'll
see from the traditional proponents of the high-carb
lifestyle - you know they won't just roll over and die.