On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 20:10:51 -0500, Paleogal <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Janet, it would be simpler if you would give us a run-down on your menus
>amounts for a couple/three days....  We can take it from there.  Oliva

Oh, Thank You, Oliva!  Here's my menu today:

Red Grapefruit (1 whole)
2 eggs
5 pieces of sausage

Large green salad with real bacon bits and (this is probably the culprit!)
honey-mustard dressing (commercial...gasp!)

handful of roasted almonds

handful of roasted pistachios

2-3 pieces of pork skins (pork rinds?)

and for dinner I had a bowl of ground turkey with tomatos, minced onion,
and garlic mixed in.

Thanks for helping me out!  Janet