Well, I looked online and found nada, but I saw on the TEE-vee tonight that
there's a new artificial sweetener on the shelf - Neotame by our pals at
(drum roll, please!) Monsanto.  Eeeeeeew.  That company creeps me out.
Ennyhoo, I'm sticking to stevia which, I'm happy to report, I use very litte
as I'm holding true to form and eating only meat, veggies and healthy oils
with just a little bit of fruit and/or nuts from time to time.  I'm also
proud to report I have now gone 6 months and 5 days with nary a DROP of
soda, diet or otherwise.  So if Monsanto thinks it can join forces with Coke
and Pepsi and pull me in with a new diet brew, they can just keep dreamin'.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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