Date:    Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:51:02 +1000
From:    Phosphor <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: lean meat

> Isn't the majority of the beef grassfed in these two countries
> [ie Australia and NZ]?

 would be a mixture of normal grazing and grain-based supplementation,
depends i imagine on drought conditions etc


I cannot speak for New Zealand meat products, but approx 20% of Australian
beef and virtually no lamb is grain finished ie 70-100 days grain fed post
pasture before slaughter, most of this is exported to Japan and USA and
that which is sold in Australia is generally prominently labelled as such -
 as a selling point.  The vast majority of Australian beef and all lamb is
fully pasture fed.  This makes Australia's domestic meat supply probably
the leanest and richest in omega-3 polyunsaturate fats available in the
Western farming world. US feedlot animals by comparison are very fatty and
very poor in omega-3 fats.  Thus our meat is closest in composition to
wild game and kangaroo meat is very lean and relatively rich in omega-3 as
you would expect - very healthy stuff to eat but many people cannot come
to terms with eating Skippy.  Australian lean cuts of beef and lamb are
very similar to kangaroo meat in composition.
