On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 23:36:14 +0000, Michael Kenny <[log in to unmask]>

>Dear Janet:
>I eat mainly beef, chicken and salmon. I eat salmon 2 to 3 times a week. A
>fair amount of fruit and vegetables. whenever I am hungry for a little
>fruits and veggies are the way I go. Be careful how you prepare your meals.
>Spices and olive oil are what I use mostly. I hope this helps in some way.
>If you have not read Cordain's book I highly recommend it. It lists in
>detail what you can and what you should not eat.

Hey Michael:

I had originally thought that perhaps I am eating TOO much fruit... so my
question to you is (and not to be anal-retentive or anything) how much
fruit do you eat?  I've been trying to cut my fruit consumption down
because I thought that that was the problem.  I don't eat that many
veggies, but I suppose I need to start....

I have Ray Audette's "Neanderthin", but do you think Cordain goes into more
detail?  What is the name of the book, please?  Janet