So I'm listening to the Hush Lintball show (hosted by Denver's own Mike
Rosen today as Hush is on vacation) and learn that someone in lawsuit-happy
'Mrrka (as George Dubya Bush would pernounce it) is sueing YickDonald's over
his obesity and whatnot.

Ho, HO!  Don't laugh too hard, but wouldn't it be hilarious if someone sued
the feds over the USDA Food Pyramid?  I mean, come on, they recommended a
dietary prototype with no tests to back it up; sounds like criminal
negligence to me.  The FDA can't approve DRUGS without testing them, so...

Uhh, let's see, how do I make this Paleo....  Frankly, I can't think of
anything.  Beyond the fact that maybe no hunter-gatherer was or is conniving
enough to be an attorney.  BTW, I'm kidding lest any of us actually BE an

Should I patent this idea before someone actually DOES file suit?

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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