i agree that it is hard, but also agree that it is not a disability.

-----Original Message-----
From: Salkin Kathleen
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 7/13/2002 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: Weight (was    Re: The ADA)


Everyone in my family except my grandfather were (or is) overweight.
And I
agree, when one is overweight it's hard to overcome.  But I still
that obesity (except for morbid obesity) is not a disability that
one's ability to do day-to-day tasks.  I'm overweight myself, according
the modern standards of physical health - I'm 5'0" and weigh 140 lbs
and am
a dress size 12

.  My youngest sister is a size 26 but doesn't consider
herself disabled.  She  smokes like a chimney stack and eats a lot of
high-fat foods and red meats.  Well, she used to eat a really unhealthy
diet.  Since moving down to Florida, she's started swimming every day
and is
trying to eat more healthy foods and has lost 20 lbs! She still a huge
size, and realises she'll never be a size 10 but she's really happy.
Now if
only she would quit smoking...  Talk about addictions!

My middle sister is in the same situation I'm in - not too badly
but unable to take off the last 15 or so pounds.   Neither of us smoke,
which puts us far ahead of our baby sister, though.  She eats a
high-protein, low-fat diet, while I eat a low-fat, high carb diet with
little or no red meat.   Both of my parents were overweight, ate lots of
sugar and fat, and smoked for many years.  Needless to say, both had
disease, which is rampant in both sides of my family.

t: Re: The ADA

> Kat, being obese or overweight is a tough life. My Mom was always
> much to her detriment, I think. She would lose 15, gain 7, lose 15,
> lose 16, gain 6...... and she was never really thin until cancer took
> down. She didn't overeat, and a lot of people like her struggle just
> their weight from overtaking their lives.  it is the same for many fat
> people. So, please give up that stereotype.
> mag
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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