Hi Michael,

            This is I believe common practice - when Julianna was getting
custody of Alexandra - she had the same thing happen and now as I am
petetioning for custody of her and bypassing CPS the court appointed
guardian an litem has to make a home visit. To determine the suitability of
our home and me. He has to do this to make sure this is in the best interest
of the child - while I think its impostion, as her father a drug user and
dealer and has already been convicted of child neglect and the mother has
abandoned her - we must do the red tape thing and keep the bureaucrats
happy. Not that that's in the child's best interests either - hmmmmm........

                                                        Brightest Blessings
- Trisha

> When I had to go to court to get my daughter Susan and to be told that I
> would have to have FCS come to check up on me to see how capable I am.