i volunteered to work in that program. they did not want me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth H. Thiers [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 7:45 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: New web site idea

Ok, time for name dropping now.  The CDC (and the fed gov) finally decided
that Birth Defects and developmental disabilities deserve their very own
center.  And guess what?  They are finally looking at disabilities and
fitness for people with disabilities across the lifespan.  Of course,
nothing gets done at the CDC without people outside harping on them so, if
you go to the site the Birth defect and developmental disabilities has their
own page (you'll have to look for it can't remember it right now and you can
email them your concerns).  Also, with the new push for Social Marketing,
they are also always looking for people to test run their service products.
Just a thought to add to your development of a website.

Beth T.

-----Original Message-----
From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Barber, Kenneth L.
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 6:50 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: New web site idea

yes, cper's all have problems with aging and i do not think there is any
intention of leaving anyone out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Salkin Kathleen [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 10:15 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: New web site idea

That was just a term, Pam, not meant to be exclusive.  I'm a "walking
wounded," now in a wheelchair.  What Kyle meant, I think, is that we're all
walking (or rolling) around, aging with symptoms that doctors can't or won't
see as related to CP, because we're no longer children.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pam Dahl" <[log in to unmask]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.c-palsy
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: New web site idea

> Though my cp is more involved, I'm experiencing the same stuff as I age:
> increased spasticity, PAIN, decreased function.....  You walkies have lots
> of company in us wheelies. I don't think it was your intent, but I
> want the site to focus just on walkies. This "syndrome" is happening
> the board.
> Pam
> >
> > By "walking wounded" (phrase is growing on me) I mean those of us who
> > ambulatory and independent during our youth and early adulthood.  You
> > know my story: fit and athletic through my mid-thirties and then Bang!
> Ten
> > years later I can barely get from point A to point B.
> >
> > Lots of folks come to mind offhand:  Bobby, Kat, Ken, me, Rayna, the
> > Jennifers, etc.  That's just from "our" little village.  There are a lot
> > more besides us.
> >
> > Sound like an idea?  Kat, could you get back to me on the Yahoo site?  I
> > would like to make sure its easily accessible.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -Kyle
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Salkin Kathleen
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Sent: 6/28/02 5:41 PM
> > Subject: Re: Rough go right now...
> >
> > Kyle, we could always use my Yahoo site, cpadults.  And I've got website
> > space via my ISP I can use.
> >
> > Kat
> >