Message-Id: <[]>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 22:13:45 -0400

MIke Freeman wrote:
   >I don't think it's an issue of making things shut up as it is with
   >us. No; I think that a lot of people truly are freaked with machines

maybe, but I still think it bugs them.  My xyl always comments about a
friend's car when we enter  as it says "a door is ajar."  HEr comment,
"no, a door is a door."

THe owner of the apartment complexes we manage just had a burglar
alarm installed for us since the office is our living room.  sEnsors
on the ground floor door and windows.  Nice unit, backed up with a
hefty gel cell, and it talks to me when I need to set it in its
differentr modes.

sTIll, every time you open the door it says "fault front door."  Handy
if you're in the kitchen getting coffee while the xyl's out on the
properties and a guy comes by with a rent check.  SInce the sign on
the door advises one to "come on in" during business hours the little
announcement can be handy to let you know someone's in teh anteroom

THinking of getting another alarm brain that receives the same rf
these sensors put out and putting it in the studio/office radio room
upstairs so that I can tell when folks come and go, even when she is

73 de kb0ruu

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin November 1755