Message-Id: <[]>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:41:24 -0400

Dana wrote:
   >It is easy to do.  I have a master 2 back home in Kansas.  There
   >was an article in qst about a controler that worked well.  I'm not
   >sure I have the web page any more.  Let me go see.
   >Basicly they had two versions of the controler, one was built in a
   >separate box and the other version, available only from them
   >preassembled as I recall, fit right inside the master two across
   >the front where the tone boards went.
   >I can't find that page any more.  I'll do some digging.  They sold
   >a kit or just the board, but this has been 3 or 4 years ago. I'll
   >keep digging. 73s
Apprecaite all the assistancde.  I think he might have the repeater
control board stuff, just not a regular control head for the radio.
He's looking to put it on the bench and do some tests before it goes
into repeater service and looking for a way to do that without having
to purchase a control head.

Had one myself for uhf and was putting a repeater together.  Had a
guhy who worked with them all the time just set mine up for the
frequency pair.  eNded up planning a move for a job that fell through
and so sold the machine before I put it in operation.  Needed to buy a
set of duplexers yet and somethhing about a controller.

FI you find that information let me know.

Tnx and 73.

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

--- Benjamin Franklin November 1755