Ed -

You said <<< What are people's thougths on using USB 2.0 external hard drives
for backups?  I like to assume the "worst case scenario" so that if my hard
drive crashes, I could be up and running in less than an hour with a high
degree of certainty that all my files (or most nearly all) were intact.
Thoughts, suggestions, input?>>>

I also use Drive Image (thanks to Fred Langa!).  I have a fairly new laptop
with a 40 gig hard drive.  Purchased an external firewire 40 gig drive so I
could use Drive Image 5.0 to mirror the laptop to the external drive.
Unfortunately, I didn't know until after I had purchased the software (and
too late to return it) that D.I. 5 and D.I. 2002 (just released) do NOT
support either USB or firewire.

Did a web search and found something called Instant Recovery from NovaStor -
bought that one because it specifically said it supported firewire and USB.
Didn't know until after I had installed it that it only works on removable
drives, not external drives.

Went to Langa's bulletin board and posted a plea there.  Someone was kind
enough to suggest I go to www.dantz.com and try Retrospect Express - works on
both USB and firewire external hard drives.  I believe he was right - it's a
bit trickier than Drive Image but short of actually restoring my C drive on
my laptop, I am assuming it will work.  I first picked the "duplicate hard
drive" option - seemed to make sense in that it said it would, in essence,
image one drive to the other.  Wrong choice - the tech support gentleman told
me to pick the "backup" option.  Then you have to go to the Disaster Recovery
option and create a bootable CD.  That will have your system files and will
enable you to get to the backup you've made (I backed up the entire C drive)
and use it to restore.  There is a 30 day free trial of the Restrospect

Sorry this is so long, but after all my trials and tribulations, I thought
I'd better explain it in detail.  If you need more info, feel free to contact
me directly.

Marilyn Milbrandt

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