I do not know if this is an acceptable computer question,
since WEB-TVs are not... <VBG>

I'm hoping multiple e-mail accounts in a single WEB-TV main
account like those in a single copy of MSOE with one ISP

I have a customer who has a WEB-TV account.
They set up a sub-account e-mail address for his wife.

The following is what I see in my MSOE.
His name is displayed, but the messages go to her e-mail address.
(I see only "his name" in the message lists, while writing messages, etc.)
This has become a huge problem for me keeping messages straight,
(they both write to me about similar and independent things),
or I would not be asking.

They seem to think there is no setting for her to have her
own name displayed in MY MSOE when I get and reply
to messages from HER. The "friendly name" always is
the husband.

In MSOE, I would set this setting in:
    General, User Information, Name
but I have never seen WEB-TV, and am not likely to.
They might change it if it was possible.

Can anyone confirm this works the same in WEB-TV
and describe where to change this setting?

Thanks in advance,    Rick Glazier

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