tsayonah wrote:

> We will be driving across MO from (roughly) Kansas City to
> St Louis and then south to the bootheel part of the state.
> Some of the fun of road trips used to be eating out along
> the way, trying different foods and not having to cook or
> cleanup <G>.  I can pack food, of course, but would like to
> still have some of the fun.  Anyone have any suggestions on
> restaurant eating while avoiding grain, potatoes, beans,
> dairy AND beef?  My brain is simply refusing to deliver any
> viable suggestions.  Thanks.

You can only eat just so many chef salads (and that means having
them hold the cheese and croutons).  I take a cooler with
cold meats and fresh vegetables, to supplement restaurant food.
You usually do better at an American-food type of place; sometimes
you can get grilled fish or chicken breast with steamed veggies and/or
salads.  Don't bother to ask the chef to cook it in a different fat than

s/he was planning to; if you've seen the usual state of frenzy in a
restaurant kitchen
you know it wouldn't work.  Also, some places serve "breakfast"
around the clock, eggs and meat.  Hold the toast, muffin, hash browns
and grits :-)

Happy traveling!
