Debra Kierstead wrote:

> About how long should it take to render the suet on the stovetop?  And is
> there any easy way to tell when all the water is out?  We just rendered some
> tonight and I think we did it right but its hard to tell for sure.  Is it
> one of those "arts" that takes some practice to get good at or are there
> some easy tricks to it?

When I'm rendering suet, and the water is nearly gone (bubbles very small)
I start checking the temperature with a cooking thermometer.  As long as
there is water in the fat, it won't get far from 212 degrees (less at higher
elevations).  As soon as the water is gone, the fat starts heating up.
I remove it from the burner before it gets to 225 degrees.  That way I'm
sure that it is done, and still haven't overheated it.
