But my question is this: for you weightlifters out there, what works for
you? Non paleo weightlifters say they need lots of carbs after a workout,
because the body is breaking up protein in order to recover. I do not want
to do that of course. What do y'all do in terms of eating and working out,
and why? Thanks


If you've been getting good results doing what you are already doing than
there's probably no reason to change.  I believe the current recommendations
of mega-simple carbs for weightlifters post workout is way over-rated but it
really depends on what your goals are.  To gain weight rapidly it definitely
does work. It has also been recommended to those trying to drop fat but I've
known many people unable to drop bodyfat when taking in high carbs
postworkout.  A simple meal containing an equal balance of 30-50 grams of
protein and 30-50 grams of carbs eaten within 2 hours of your workout should
suffice nicely.  You could also use supplements like protein drinks which
are good for replenishment but they are definitely not paleo and many
provoke allergies and reactions due to all the dairy, artificial sweeteners


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