Hello everyone!  My name is Leigh and I'm a 39yr old woman from Australia.
A little about myself.  I started lo-carbing in 2000 with a eating plan
from my GP, which comprised of lean protein, very limited fruit and dairy
and of course absolutely no grains ect.  Had great success and lost a
significant amount of weight.  I then thought I was cured (read fell off
the wagon so to speak) and have regained 1/2 of what I lost. Cutting to the
chase have climbed back on and have been doing lots of reading ect and by
doing so I have discovered paleonutrition and it seems to make a lot of
sense to me.  Of course I'm speaking to the converted here.  The changes I
have made to my way of eating is virtually no diary except for 1 tablespoon
of biodynamic yougurt per day and attention to the amount of fat I am