Katrina <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> Here's the diet that I follow nowadays, it has helped immensely in getting
> rid of the problems I experienced on the Paleo Diet:
> http://www.ozemail.com.au/~sdengate
> It is based upon the principal of removing all chemicals and intolerances
> from the diet (natural and man-made).  It turns out I am sensitive to
> salicylates and MSG, which exist in most fruits and veggies.  I hope this
> is not too off-topic.  I am hoping it will be of use to those people who
> want to follow a paleo diet but they still experience symptoms of food
> intolerances (digestive problems, mind problems, emotional problems, skin
> conditions, etc.).  My digestive problems have completely disappeared on
> this diet and I have more energy at the gym.

This sounds interesting to me, and I'd like to know more about
specifically what the diet is.  I can't find a list on this page of
foods that contain salicylates, can you point it out to me?
