It is typically very difficult for a woman to get bulky muscles due to lack
of male sex hormones (testosterone).  Unlesss they were just born short and
stocky any otherwise lean women you may have seen that have bulky muscles
train for many years to get that look and often take steroids as's not a look that happens overnight. What I usually tell athletes
such as your daughter is that you can make a muscle smaller or make it
bigger, there is no such thing as "toning" a muscle and no such system of
training that will do this.  If she just wants her muscles to grow a little
bit and accomplish her desired look in the shortest time possible her best
bet is to train with basic exercises with the heaviest weight she can lift
for approximately 8-12 repetitions and keep adding weight and volume until
she achieves her desired level of muscularity.  Once there she can taper off
the weight training and be able to maintain without too much effort. Many
women make the mistake of training with higher reps thinking this will shape
and "tone" the muscle.  What it does do is waste time and energy and is not
worth much else (except maybe local muscular endurance).

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