Lower price is to use the software that is part of Windows.
It has worked just fine for me in the past.  This is the help
screen from W98SE:

Using Direct Cable Connection to connect to another computer

With Direct Cable Connection, you can gain access to shared
folders on another computer, even when your computer is not
on a network. If the other computer is connected to a network,
you can also gain access to that network.

For example, if you have a portable computer, you can use a
cable to connect it to your work computer and network.

 to set up a direct cable connection with another computer.

You can also set up a direct cable connection with another
computer by clicking Start, pointing to Programs, pointing to
Accessories, pointing to Communications, and then clicking
Direct Cable Connection.
If you do not see Direct Cable Connection on the Communications
menu, it is not installed. To find out how to install a Windows
component, click Related Topics.

Don Elias

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 15:41:13 -0300 Sergio Nemirovsky <[log in to unmask]>
> There are several ways:
> Low Tech level:
> Low Price and aprox 200 Kb/sec transfer speed:
>     Using the parallel ports, a Parallel link. You will need a
> special cable
> and a soft. LapLink is a good soft.There are a lot of them.

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