Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>

first, of course, if there is an add on T V. and they use a star
as spokesman, you can bet 99% it's a fraud.

this one has been around for years and doesn't work.  It's a
series of exercises that temporarilly causes your eyes to focus
in a way which makes you think you're seeing better.  It doesn't
last, and I believe can do real damage to your eyes if kept up.

I hope nobody out there falls for the old "money back guarantee"
scam, they can offer that because nobody ever asks for their
money back as that's an admission that they were had.

If you assume that all commercials for any and all health related
items are crooked, you'll live longer, be happier, and be a heck
of a lot richer.

Biased and cynical again as always <G>


Net-Tamer V 1.12.0 - Registered

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