Yes, it's out of context.  This reference was to potatoes a couple of years
ago and the fact that several of us have eaten them raw as children but
wouldn't even attempt it today as quite a number of us have major joint ache
with nightshade.  Too, many of us were discussing the starch content and
syndrome X problems as a whole.  You had to be there.  :-)    Oliva(or am I
the one out of context here?)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Swayze" <[log in to unmask]>

Todd Moody wrote:
> the observation made by a number of people on this list some time ago
that potatoes are indeed edible raw

Jim Swayze wrote:
Forgive me if I've gotten this out of context and sorry for the rant.
 Eat what you want to, but don't try to then justify
it as paleo just because you want it or think you need it.  Rant over.