This made me think of that crazy fad diet a few years back
known as the grapefruit diet.  Some swore by it and some got
real sick as I remember.  Anyway, maybe grapefruit has some
kind of special action we're overlooking?  Grapefruit seed
extract is said to help with yeast.....anybody got any facts
to share?
   Elisi Tsayonah, AniWodi, ghigau,
   St Francis River Band of Cherokee

Grapefruit contains a substance (naringin I believe) that prolongs and
intensifies the action of some other drugs.  Caffeine is one of the
substances that it does this with.  The grapefruit + coffee diet would
oftentimes leave a person wired and without hunger for a good portion of the
day so many people did lose weight by following the protocol.


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