On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 17:09:54 -0400, Kathleen Lunson <[log in to unmask]>

>there are a lot of people on the low carb list i moderate who only lost a
few pounds and then got stuck on Atkins, but who lose well on paleo.  It
generally is about the dairy.

I did Atkins but frankly, I couldn't stay on it for more than a week or
two.  After about three days, I felt like crap!  I don't know why.... I had
headaches, I was dizzy, I felt weak (and I was eating A LOT of meat!) and I
just wanted to die!

Now, other people can do it with no problems, but somehow I just couldn't
without feeling awful.

With neanderthin (paleo), I don't feel bad at all.  It is, for me, jus
t a
kinder, gentler way of life!  Janet