Hi Janet.  It's good that you're back to paleo.
Yes, LiteHouse does a paleo friendly dressing, now that Cordain and others
are okaying canola oil.  Bleu Cheese, Ranch, and one other. Maybe you have
that brand in your stores.  Honey is paleo but if it triggers a crave, leave
it alone for now. Curtail dried fruit and bananas if weight is loss is a
concern.  Stick to berries.  Remember the rule:  for every gram of fiber you
can deduct one gram of carbohydrate. Oliva

----- Original Message -----
From: "Janet Hacker" <[log in to unmask]>
I am restarting my paleo eating
My question is, is there any commercial salad dressing that is "paleo-
 does anyone use honey?
 Must I curtail the
fruit to lose weight?