Hello again.  Not sure what happen but not all of my introduction got
posted.  Richard queried why I was limiting my fat intake.  Well I'm a
little perplexed with what constitutes lean protein, from what I have read
my protein sources are not strictly paleo, for eg meat could be from grain
fed cattle.  So I made the assumption (maybe incorrectly)that perhaps the
meat may not be lean enough and I needed to trim the fat.  I'm happy to
stand corrected if there is no need for this to be done.
Because I don't have a reference text to hand, Neanderthin is on order, I
would like to ask a couple of questions.
Is coffee not allowed because it is from a bean?
Do I need to drink  min 3 litres of water per day as on other lo-carb plans?
Any Aussies here from Queensland?