On Mon, 17 Jun 2002 11:30:11 -0500, Jo Webb <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>the main source of vitamin D is sunlight,
>and it seems likely that paleolithic people spent a lot of time in the sun.
>But these days we have a hole in the ozone layer and it seems that under
>these new circumstances the sun does harm as well as good. If we believe
>the warnings and wear sunscreens, it may be necessary to take extra vitamin
>D as a supplement to get back to the same level as the paleolithic people.
>So the things we put on our bodies may affect our nutritional requirements.

You might want to read Chapter 10 of The Protein Power LifePlan
-- a whole chapter on our need for sunshine. But their main points:
* you need to add sun to the diet
* sunblocks are false protection and prevent you from getting what you need
  from the sun
* you should build up sun tan base very gradually and limit exposure
  as needed
* vitamin D supplements can be toxic and cannot be absorbed properly --
  avoid them
* sunbath with clean skin - no lotions
* sunbath all year long (they live in CO and sunbath on
  a deck in winter when the sun is out)

Philip Thrift